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1958年生于青藏高原,回族,本名燕宁,字木一,养一,号本琦,大獒堂主,度一精舍主。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国宗教协会会员、中国民族画院副院长、九三学社社员、九三书画院副院长、南京博物院特聘研究员、北大资源美术学院教授、世界华人美术家协会山水画委员会主席。 |
杨彦:中国当代著名绘画大师,在中国画坛享有广泛的影响。 Yang Yan, famous modern Chinese master of painting, enjoys considerable influence in painting scene.
一九五八年杨彦生于中国的青藏高原,两岁时移居长江下游的南京,二十六岁定居北京至今。极具天赋的他三岁就开始画画,受南北方人文地理的多方面影响,成就了他独特的个性和气质。他深知对传统和前辈大师尊重的重要性,也不段的游走大自然,他的足迹走遍中国的大江南北和世界五十多个国家。地球上的各种自然景观和人文风貌开启了他的智慧并激励了他的创作灵感。 Yang Yan was born in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in 1958. He migrated to Nanjing located in downstream area of the Changjiang River when he was two. And he has been lived in Beijing since he was 26. With great talent, he started to paint when he was three. Influenced by humanity and geographical aspects of south and north regions in many ways, his unique personality and temper were formed. He understands the importance of respecting traditions and elder masters well, and sinks in nature. He travels around the whole country and to over 50 countries in the world. |
四十多年的积累,他在海内外举办个人画展二十多次,出版各种画集、书法集专著三十余部,尤其是许多巨幅山水、花鸟及书法作品悬挂在中国鸟巢体育馆、上海世博会、法国卢浮宫、北京站贵宾厅、中南海及一些市政大厅等,并被国内外众多博物馆、机构和个人收藏。 Over 40 years’ accumulation, he held 20-odd personal exhibition and published 30-odd various painting albums and calligraphy albums. Especially, many of his large works of landscape paintings, paintings of flowers and birds and calligraphy are hanging in China Bird’s Nest Gym, Shanghai World Expo, France Louvre, VIP lounge of Beijing Railway Station, Zhongnanhai, some municipal halls, etc. and are collected by many overseas museums, organizations and individuals.
海内外的各大媒体曾有专题报道,从八十年代开始就有《日出东方之野》、《值得期待的中国光芒》、《东方的神话》、《墨的鬼才、奇才、雄才》、《北汽南韵、古法新貌、体涉古今、意赅中西》、《题匾圣手杨彦》、《思想者的盛宴》、《气象万千的杨彦》等等。 Since 1980, many special reports have been done by many overseas large media including “Sun Rises in East, Hopeful Shine of China”, “Oriental Myth”, “Wizard and Great Talent of Chinese Ink”, “north manner with south charm, ancient methods with new appearance, the style involving ancient and modern times, the meaning covering Chinese and western areas”, “Yang Yan, Skilled Inscription Board Calligrapher”, “Grand Banquet for Thinkers”, “Majestic and Grand Yang Yan”, etc.
杨彦一直坚持严肃的治学和创作态度,一贯主张中国画大写意精神的弘扬,近些年在探索、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、武术之间的动静关系,在努力使绘画过程的美得到更大张显的同时,把绘画、音乐和肢体语言的魅力融合在一个时空里,这是将大写意精神推向未来的大胆构想和实践。 Yang Yan always insists on serious study and creation attitude, and stands for promotion of freehand brushwork spirit. In recent years, he has been exploring dynamic and static relationship between painting, music, dance and martial art, and strives to show the beauty of painting process while integrating the charm of painting, music and body language. This is bold proposal and practice to push the freehand brushwork spirit into the future.
杨彦的艺术生命根生叶茂,源于他对大自然无比热的爱和对生命深刻的关怀。他曾这样说道:“我们人类经历了太多的人为和自然的灾难,作为一个个体,我除了谴责、呐喊以外,更多的是宣扬人们彼此之间的互信、宽容与祈祷。我很幸运,我能用生命感悟的灵性来捍卫人类文明,讴歌真、善、美。古代的老子有一句名言“和光同尘”用在艺术上就是一种能集合各类形式而混成一种新的形式来呈现的理想表达方式,这必须要兼顾到来自方方面面的关系,这虽然是寄予艺术语言的探求,或许也是未来人类能够达成大团结的理想思维吧!我祈望人类有更多善意、真诚的行动,能在不懈的共同努力之中,见出人类文化不朽的光明来!” The gorgeous art life of Yang Yan derives from incomparable love to nature and deep care for life. He said, “We human have experienced so many manmade and natural disasters. As an individual, I should pay more attention to promoting mutual trust, tolerant and praying of human besides condemn and yelling. I am lucky. I can defend human culture and praise truth, kind and beauty through inspiration from life. Lao Zi, founder of Taoism, said “being able but modest”. In art, it means an ideal presentation showed by integrating various forms to achieve a new form. This requires us to give consideration to relations of all aspects. This is pursuit of art language and the ideal thought of future human’s great unity. I hope people have more kind and sincere actions and witness the eternal bright of human culture. ”
杨彦是这么说的,也是这么做的,他就是这样的一个人,一个不断给我们带来美好和快乐的吉祥金刚。 Yang Yan does as what he says. He is a person constantly bringing us happiness and joy.
度一精舍 www.dyjs.net |
度一精舍改版第五版 |